Everyone has a picture of their perfect guy or girl, the type of person you dream of meeting for years. Here's how I have always described my perfect guy. Tall, dark haired, sweet, kind of awkward and nerdy, loves marvel as much as I do, can make me laugh, and is just as sarcastic as I am. Well guys, I met him. He's literally everything I've ever dreamed of, we met because he will be attending the college in my hometown in the fall. His family knows mine so he stayed with us while at orientation. The thing is we've been getting their christmas cards for years and I always thought he was attractive, what I didn't know is that he's basically the coolest person ever. It was so fun having him here, we talked about Marvel and we seemed to have the same amount of sarcasm in the way we spoke. My sister had texted me after she left "OMG he's so precious" I replied "Haha I know!" she replied "marry him". When he left I added him on Facebook, eventually I messaged him. I was super nervous and worried he might not have liked me even though I thought we clicked really well. We chatted a bit on Facebook, I gave him my number, and we've be texting pretty much 24/7 ever since. I don't really know what to think completely, but right now I'm happier than I've ever been before so I think I'm just going to roll with it. So that's how I'm doing right now.
Xoxo Megan